ATACAMA Partners


Press release on the partnership with LAIQON AG

  • LAIQON AG and Atacama Partners: Partners for sustainable investing
  • LF – Atacama Global Equity Impact Opportunities: Art. 9 SFDR equity fund in cooperation with Atacama Partners

Hamburg, 9. August 2023 

LAIQON AG and Atacama Partners: Partners for sustainable investing

LAIQON AG (LQAG, Deutsche Börse Scale, ISIN DE000A12UP29) is further expanding its business strategy in the area of sustainable investing through its partnership with Atacama Partners GmbH.

Sustainability is one of the core topics of LAIQON AG’s Strategy 2023/25 2.0. This follows the company’s conviction that a sustainability strategy based on integration, transformation and ecological or social contributions, which is aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), offers an attractive risk/return profile for both private and institutional investors.

The LAIQON Group can also increasingly benefit from artificial intelligence as a basis for more comprehensive sustainability data for sustainable investing. This is based on the data generated by the DAP 4.0 digital asset platform, which offers the opportunity to support Atacama Partners GmbH with the collection and analysis of objective CO2 emissions data in addition to traditional financial indicators, for example, while Atacama Partners GmbH contributes an innovative approach to determining sustainable investments in accordance with the Disclosure Regulation. The mutual benefit between the WealthTech LAIC within the LAIQON Group and Atacama Partners GmbH consists, among other things, in the joint programming of a proprietary tool that supports the fundamental research process for determining sustainable investments in accordance with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The data basis for this comes from LAIC and Atacama Partners GmbH. In the future, the sustainability data compiled will be successively expanded through the collection and analysis of taxonomy data.

In summary, the partnership with Atacama Partners GmbH is intended to leverage the company’s expertise in digitalization, transformation and complementary sustainability perspectives for joint product solutions, in addition to existing product offerings and investment approaches. Atacama Partners GmbH, based in Munich, was founded in 2022 by the two partners and managing directors Stanislaus Thurn und Taxis, previously Head of ESG Research at Flossbach von Storch and Ferdinand von Bennigsen, who worked as a consultant for the development of digital business models and transformation strategies at the Boston Consulting Group, and Mátyás Csiky, Global Head of Impact at a leading European private equity company. The Atacama team has more than 15 years of investment experience as well as many years of regulatory and technology expertise.

Dr. Robin Braun, Head of Group Sustainibility at LAIQON AG, comments: “We are delighted to be able to expand our product range with additional sustainability approaches through our partnership with Atacama. We are united by our understanding of driving transformation with our investment approaches. With the Atacama team, it is our common goal to further expand our expertise, especially in environmental and social contributions as drivers of performance in investment products.”

Stanislaus Thurn und Taxis, Managing Partner of Atacama Partners GmbH, adds: “With the LAIQON Group and its focus on sustainable investing, we have found an ideal partner for our ambitions. In particular, the expertise built up with DAP 4.0 and the use of sustainability data facilitated by artificial intelligence is crucial for the further implementation of the EU taxonomy. We want to harness this in joint fund products.”

LF – Atacama Global Equity Impact Opportunities: Art. 9 SFDR equity fund in collaboration with Atacama Partners

For the first investment fund implemented by the partnership with Atacama Partners GmbH, the existing equity fund LF – European Emerging Champions has been strategically realigned and renamed: The new equity fund LF – Atacama Global Equity Impact Opportunities, for which Atacama Partners GmbH acts as investment advisor, is subject to the disclosure obligation pursuant to Art. 9 of the Disclosure Regulation SFDR. The changeover took place on July 1, 2023.

The LF – Atacama Global Equity Impact Opportunities concentrates globally with a focus on the USA and Europe on 30 to 40 mid and large caps as a result of active fundamental individual stock selection along three profiles. The logic of the EU taxonomy provides the orientation framework for identifying companies. Regulation winners” companies are identified that can benefit in future from the high contribution to the EU taxonomy targets. In addition to established companies (“industrial base”), i.e. companies that are transforming their business models with the help of new technologies, “impact innovator” companies that offer high growth potential due to their disruptive business model will also be identified. The active engagement process with the companies in the fund is part of the securities analysis.

The LF – Atacama Global Equity Impact Opportunities is initially available in the seed tranche (ISIN: DE000A2QSF07) via all common banks and platforms. A “clean fee” (C-tranche) and a “retail tranche” (P-tranche) are also planned for the near future.

Detailed information about the LF – Atacama Global Equity Impact Opportunities is available at:


LAIQON AG (LQAG) is an innovative financial house with assets under management of around EUR 6.0 billion. LAIQON has positioned itself in three business segments: Asset Management, Wealth Management and Digital Wealth. Founded in 1995, the bank-independent company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2005. LAIQON AG has been listed in the Scale segment (ISIN: DE000A12UP29) of Deutsche Börse in Frankfurt since March 2017. (Status of the figures: 31.03.2023).

The LAIQON Group is a premium quality provider with a full-service offering of sustainable products and solutions for both private and institutional clients. The more than 50 wealth products and solutions currently offered are managed by portfolio management and asset management teams as well as on the basis of artificial intelligence. The focus is on sustainable investing as a symbiosis of customer and sustainability goals.

The digital platform DAP 4.0 is the connecting element of the business model and the heart and synergy driver of the LAIQON Group. It enables the LAIQON Group to cover the entire customer value chain and to scale as required.

The aim of Strategy 2023/25 2.0 is to position LAIQON AG as an innovative quality leader in wealth management in Germany as an asset management factory.

With GROWTH 25, the disproportionately high growth in assets under management (AuM) that is still expected will be the main driver of future results. By the end of 2025, AuM in the three business segments is expected to increase to EUR 8 to 10 billion. LAIQON AG is aiming to achieve an EBITDA margin of over 45% in relation to net sales by the end of 2025. This is based on the average historical performance fees generated by LAIQON AG’s product range.  

About Atacama Partners GmbH:

Atacama Partners is an owner-managed fund boutique based in Munich that focuses on the opportunities presented by the transition to a sustainable economic order.

Through its partnership with LAIQON AG, Atacama advises two public funds with a current asset-under-management volume of around EUR 110 million.

Mr. Thurn und Taxis is responsible for portfolio management at Atacama. He has been active in the capital market for over a decade. Most recently, he was head of sustainability research at Flossbach von Storch and worked in equity analysis and portfolio management with Bert Flossbach on the composition of mutual funds.

Ferdinand von Bennigsen is in charge of corporate development and business development at Atacama. He previously worked as a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group and has over 10 years of experience in building digital business models and developing transformation strategies.

Daniel Münch, who moved to Atacama from Flossbach von Storch, has joined the founding team as Junior Portfolio Manager. Mátyás Csiky contributes his in-depth regulatory expertise and close contact to Brussels, including through his membership of the European Sustainable Investment Forum, as Senior Advisor from his role as Global Head of Impact at a leading European private equity company.

Atacama Partners has a strong shareholder base consisting of two ex-DAX40 CEOs and the ex-CEO of a renowned German private bank.

In providing investment advice, Atacama Partners GmbH acts as a contractually bound intermediary exclusively for the account and under the liability of MFI Asset Management GmbH, a company of the LAIQON Group. The investment advice relates to the investment fund: LF – Atacama Global Equity Impact Opportunities. MFI Asset Management GmbH has its registered office at Oberanger 43, 80331 Munich and is subject to supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn.


LAIQON Solutions GmbH

An der Alster 42

20099 Hamburg



Hendrik Duncker


An der Alster 42

20099 Hamburg

Phone: +49-40-325678-145

Fax: +49-40-325678-99


Atacama Partners GmbH

Heinrich-Vogl-Strasse 17

81479 Munich

Phone: +49 174 1725750


Press release on the partnership with LAIQON AG

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Daniel Münch ist Junior Portfoliomanager und von Flossbach von Storch zu Atacama gewechselt. Seit über 8 Jahren ist Daniel am Kapitalmarkt tätig, zuletzt als Senior Analyst bei Flossbach von Storch. Dort arbeitete er fünf Jahre an der Seite von und im engen Austausch mit Stanislaus.


Er hält einen Master der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Spezialisierung auf Finance sowie einen Bachelor in Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität zu Köln. Vor seinem Studium absolvierte Daniel eine Banklehre bei der Kreissparkasse Köln im Private Banking.

Zuvor sammelte er Erfahrung in der Finanzbranche, u.a. beim Wagniskapitalgeber Earlybird und dem Risk Management Beratungsunternehmen WillisTowersWatson in London.

Ferdinand hält ein Diplom der TU München in Technology & Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau und trägt einen Ehrenabschluss des Center for Digital Technology des bayerischen Elitenetzwerks.

Mátyás Csiky ist Mitgründer und als Senior Advisor für die Atacama tätig. Aus seiner Funktion als Global Head of Impact bei der Partners Group bringt er fundierte Regulatorikexpertise und einen engen Kontakt nach Brüssel, u.a. durch die Mitgliedschaft beim European Sustainable Investment Forum, ein.

Matyas ist seit mehr als fünf Jahren bei Partners Group tätig, zuletzt als European Responsible of ESG & Sustainability, wo er wertschöpfende Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien in Portfoliounternehmen umsetzte und auch Global Head der Impact Foundation von Partners Group war. Zuvor arbeitete er für SUSI Partners, einem in Zürich ansässigen Energiewendefonds, und war als Offizier der Friedenstruppe der Vereinten Nationen in Syrien tätig.


Er hält einen MBA in Sustainability von der Harvard University sowie einen Bachelor in International Business der Maastricht University.

Zuvor sammelte er Erfahrung in der Finanzbranche, u.a. beim Wagniskapitalgeber Earlybird und dem Risk Management Beratungsunternehmen WillisTowersWatson in London.

Ferdinand hält ein Diplom der TU München in Technology & Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau und trägt einen Ehrenabschluss des Center for Digital Technology des bayerischen Elitenetzwerks.

Stanislaus Thurn und Taxis verantwortet das Porfoliomanagement. Er ist seit über einer Dekade am Kapitalmarkt tätig. Zuletzt hat er den Nachhaltigkeitsresearch bei Flossbach von Storch geleitet sowie in der Aktienanalyse und im Portfolio Management um Bert Flossbach an der Zusammenstellung der Publikumsfonds gearbeitet. Er arbeitete zuvor einige Jahre in London bei der Berenberg Bank im Equity Capital Markets Team sowie bei dem Hedge-Fund Mako Global.

Er hält einen Master der Politikwissenschaften der London School of Economics & Political Science und einen Bachelor in International Business der Maastricht University.

Zuvor sammelte er Erfahrung in der Finanzbranche, u.a. beim Wagniskapitalgeber Earlybird und dem Risk Management Beratungsunternehmen WillisTowersWatson in London.

Ferdinand hält ein Diplom der TU München in Technology & Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau und trägt einen Ehrenabschluss des Center for Digital Technology des bayerischen Elitenetzwerks.

Ferdinand Von Bennigsen leitet den Unternehmensaufbau und die Geschäftsentwicklung der Atacama. Er war zuvor als Berater bei der Boston Consulting Group und der BCG Digital Ventures tätig und verantwortete Projekte in Europa, USA und Asien mit dem Schwerpunkt Fintech. Er verfügt über 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Aufbau digitaler Geschäftsmodelle und Entwicklung von Transformationsstrategien.

Zuvor sammelte er Erfahrung in der Finanzbranche, u.a. beim Wagniskapitalgeber Earlybird und dem Risk Management Beratungsunternehmen WillisTowersWatson in London.


Ferdinand hält ein Diplom der TU München in Technology & Management mit dem Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau und trägt einen Ehrenabschluss des Center for Digital Technology des bayerischen Elitenetzwerks.